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Here you’ll find links to a wide variety of information about agroforestry practices. If you’ve arrived first to this page, you can find out more about me and the practice of agroforestry on the HOME page.

Agroforestry Links

The Agroforestry Research Trust

The Agroforestry Research Trust is a non-profit making charity which researches and educates about agroforestry. They conduct research on trial grounds, publish guides and run courses. They also sell plants, seeds and books.

The Soil Association - What is Agroforestry?

The Soil Association is the UK's Organic Certification body. This publication is a fantastic, easy to understand overview on Agroforestry ideas and practices in the UK

Innovative Farmers

Innovative Farmers is a not-for-profit membership network, for farmers and growers who are running on-farm trials to test  new practices. This research allows them to collect data which is relevant to the real-world farming environment and to their businesses.

The Organic Research Centre

The Organic Research Centre is a small charity dedicated to independent research on agroecological farming practices; They have a self-driven research agenda, and have contributed to innovative studies into Agroforestry uptake for DEFRA.

Environmental Land Management Schemes: Overview

This is a UK Government Document detailing the latest plans for Environmental Land Management Schemes (ELMS).

Agroforestry can be funded by payments under ELMS, so farmers and landowners should be aware of this overview.

Agroforestry in the UK

This chapter of a larger document on temperate Agroforestry (see references below) reviews theories behind agroforestry in the UK. It shows how analysis has increased understanding of  such systems, and looks at the current position for commercial agroforestry in the various countries of the UK.

Agroforestry Standards for Regenerative Agriculture

This paper details U.S. efforts to create regenerative agriculture certification for Agroforestry. It assesses how agroforestry practices advance soil fertility and health, water quality, biodiversity, ecosystem health, and carbon sequestration. There is a review of a subset of existing practices and independent standards.

Agroforestry Review (draft) 2017

This review from DEFRA looks at how Agroforestry could work in practice within the Rural Development Programme. It came after pressure from the Agroforestry sector for DEFRA to review its perception of Agroforestry.


Here you'll find references for the scientific documents that informed all of the background content on the COMMUNICATION PIECES page

Narrated Video: "Agroforestry Uptake in the UK"


ABDUL-SALAM, Y., OVANDO, P. & ROBERTS, D. 2022. Understanding the economic barriers to the adoption of agroforestry: A Real Options analysis. J Environ Manage, 302, 113955-113955.

BEVEN, K. 2016. Facets of uncertainty: epistemic uncertainty, non-stationarity, likelihood, hypothesis testing, and communication. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 61, 1652-1665.  

BURGESS, P. J. & ROSATI, A. 2018. Advances in European agroforestry: results from the AGFORWARD project. Agroforestry Systems, 92, 801-810. 


FORRT. 2021. Epistemic Uncertainty [Online]. Available: [Accessed 20/10/23 2023]. 

DEWULF, A. & BIESBROEK, R. 2018. Nine lives of uncertainty in decision-making: strategies for dealing with uncertainty in environmental governance. Policy and Society, 37, 441-458. 

JINGER, D., KUMAR, R., KAKADE, V., DINESH, D., SINGH, G., PANDE, V., BHATNAGAR, P., RAO, B., VISHWAKARMA, A., KUMAR, D. & SINGHAL, V. 2022. Agroforestry for controlling soil erosion and enhancing system productivity in ravine lands of Western India under climate change scenario. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 194. 

KAY, S., REGA, C., MORENO, G., DEN HERDER, M., PALMA, J. H. N., BOREK, R., CROUS-DURAN, J., FREESE, D., GIANNITSOPOULOS, M., GRAVES, A., JÄGER, M., LAMERSDORF, N., MEMEDEMIN, D., MOSQUERA-LOSADA, R., PANTERA, A., PARACCHINI, M. L., PARIS, P., ROCES-DÍAZ, J. V., ROLO, V., ROSATI, A., SANDOR, M., SMITH, J., SZERENCSITS, E., VARGA, A., VIAUD, V., WAWER, R., BURGESS, P. J. & HERZOG, F. 2019. Agroforestry creates carbon sinks whilst enhancing the environment in agricultural landscapes in Europe. Land Use Policy, 83, 581-593.

KNAGGÅRD, Å. 2014. What do policy-makers do with scientific uncertainty? The incremental character of Swedish climate change policy-making. Policy Studies, 35, 22-39.  

ORGANIC RESEARCH CENTRE. 2023. Final report - Environment Land Management Schemes  

Test and Trial programme. Organic Research Centre: Organic Research Centre  

ROIS-DÍAZ, M., LOVRIC, N., LOVRIC, M., FERREIRO-DOMÍNGUEZ, N., MOSQUERA-LOSADA, M. R., DEN HERDER, M., GRAVES, A., PALMA, J. H. N., PAULO, J. A., PISANELLI, A., SMITH, J., MORENO, G., GARCÍA, S., VARGA, A., PANTERA, A., MIRCK, J. & BURGESS, P. 2017. Farmers’ reasoning behind the uptake of agroforestry practices: evidence from multiple case-studies across Europe. Agroforestry systems, 92, 811-828.

SOIL ASSOCIATION. 2018. Agroforestry in England: Benefits, Barriers and Opportunities. Available:

TORRALBA, M., FAGERHOLM, N., BURGESS, P. J., MORENO, G. & PLIENINGER, T. 2016. Do European agroforestry systems enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services? A meta-analysis. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 230, 150-161. 

TOSH, C. & WESTAWAY, S. 2016. Incentives and disincentives to the adoption of agroforestry by UK farmers: a semi-quantitative evidence review.


Creative Piece: "Farming Using Trees"


KUYAH, S., WHITNEY, C. W., JONSSON, M., SILESHI, G. W., ÖBORN, I., MUTHURI, C. W. & LUEDELING, E. 2019. Agroforestry delivers a win-win solution for ecosystem services in sub-Saharan Africa. A meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 39, 47. 

TORRALBA, M., FAGERHOLM, N., BURGESS, P. J., MORENO, G. & PLIENINGER, T. 2016. Do European agroforestry systems enhance biodiversity and ecosystem services? A meta-analysis. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 230, 150-161. 

VARAH, A., JONES, H., SMITH, J. & POTTS, S. G. 2013. Enhanced biodiversity and pollination in UK agroforestry systems. J. Sci. Food Agric, 93, 2073-2075. 

VARAH, A., JONES, H., SMITH, J. & POTTS, S. G. 2020. Temperate agroforestry systems provide greater pollination service than monoculture. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 301, 107031. 

VENN, R. & BURBI, S. 2023. Agroforestry policy development in England: a question of knowledge transference. Land Use Policy, 134, 106936. 


Press release on Hedgerow Planting:


BIFFI, S., CHAPMAN, P. J., GRAYSON, R. P. & ZIV, G. 2023. Planting hedgerows: Biomass carbon sequestration and contribution towards net-zero targets. Sci Total Environ, 892, 164482-164482. 

HARMER, N., 2023. Communicating environmental science to the media (Lecture Slides). University of Plymouth. Available at:§ion=8. Accessed: 20.11.23

Links to Farming media:

Whole-site references for all other work:


ÄNGGÅRD, E. 2016. How matter comes to matter in children's nature play: posthumanist approaches and children's geographies. Children's geographies, 14, 77-90. 

ARBUTHNOTT, K. D. & SUTTER, G. C. 2019. Songwriting for nature: increasing nature connection and well-being through musical creativity. Environmental education research, 25, 1300-1318.

BOGLIACINO, F., CODAGNONE, C. & VELTRI, G. A. 2019. Citizens–experts’ interactions under different institutional arrangements: assessing the role of uncertainty, interests, and values. Journal of Institutional Economics, 15, 861-879.

CHAKRAVARTY, S. & SHUKLA, G. 2021. Agroforestry : small landholder's tool for climate change resiliency and mitigation. Agroforestry. 

CHARATSARI, C., LIOUTAS, E. D. & KOUTSOURIS, A. 2022. Farmer Field Schools and the Co-Creation of Knowledge and Innovation: The Mediating Role of Social Capital. In: DESA, G. & JIA, X. (eds.) Social Innovation and Sustainability Transition. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland. 

COLUCCI-GRAY, L. Science Education for a Better World? Reflections on Embodiment, Language and Sensitive Action. 539-554.

DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, F. A. R. A. 2021. Environmental land management schemes: overview. In: DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, F. A. R. A. (ed.).

DEPARTMENT FOR ENVIRONMENT, F. A. R. A. D. 2019. The Future Farming and Environment Evidence Compendium.

DUNLOP, C. A. 2009. Policy transfer as learning: capturing variation in what decision-makers learn from epistemic communities. Policy Studies, 30, 289-311.

ELEVITCH, C., MAZAROLI, D. & RAGONE, D. 2018. Agroforestry Standards for Regenerative Agriculture. Sustainability, 10, 3337.

FOOD RURAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT FOR, E. 2017. Agroforestry Review (draft).

GORDON, A., NARESH V, N. V., SHIBU, S., PETER, P., ROWAN, R., XIAOBANG, X., CHRISTIAN, C., MOHAN, M., FRANCIS, F. & PABLO, P. 2018. Agroforestry in the UK.

ISAAC, M. E. & BORDEN, K. A. 2019. Nutrient acquisition strategies in agroforestry systems. Plant and soil, 444, 1-19.

MATOS, S., SILVA, A. R., SOUSA, D., PICANÇO, A., R AMORIM, I., ASHBY, S., GABRIEL, R. & ARROZ, A. M. 2022. Cultural probes for environmental education: Designing learning materials to engage children and teenagers with local biodiversity. PLoS One, 17, e0262853-e0262853. 

MCEVOY, T. J. & JEFFORDS, J. 2004. Positive Impact Forestry: A Sustainable Approach to Managing Woodlands. 

NEGRETE, A. & LARTIGUE, C. 2004. Learning from education to communicate science as a good story. Endeavour, 28, 120-124. 

NEWMAN, S. M., PILBEAM, D. J. & BRIGGS, S. 2018. Agroforestry in the UK. 72-97. 

NISHIZAWA, T., KAY, S., SCHULER, J., KLEIN, N., HERZOG, F., AURBACHER, J. & ZANDER, P. 2022. Ecological–Economic Modelling of Traditional Agroforestry to Promote Farmland Biodiversity with Cost-Effective Payments. Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland), 14, 5615.

ROLO, V. 2022. Agroforestry and Sustainable Agricultural Production. 

RUST, N. A., STANKOVICS, P., JARVIS, R. M., MORRIS-TRAINOR, Z., DE VRIES, J. R., INGRAM, J., MILLS, J., GLIKMAN, J. A., PARKINSON, J., TOTH, Z., HANSDA, R., MCMORRAN, R., GLASS, J. & REED, M. S. 2022. Have farmers had enough of experts? Environmental Management, 69, 31-44.

SCHROTH, G. & SINCLAIR, F. L. 2002. Trees, crops and soil fertility: concepts and research methods. 

SMITH, J. 2010. The History of Temperate Agroforestry.

THOMAS, E., RILEY, M. & SPEES, J. 2020. Knowledge flows: Farmers’ social relations and knowledge sharing practices in ‘Catchment Sensitive Farming’. Land Use Policy, 90, 104254.

TOSH, C. & WESTAWAY, S. 2016. Incentives and disincentives to the adoption of agroforestry by UK farmers: a semi-quantitative evidence review.

WESTAWAY, S., GRANGE, I., SMITH, J. & SMITH, L. G. 2023. Meeting tree planting targets on the UK's path to net-zero: A review of lessons learnt from 100 years of land use policies. Land use policy, 125, 106502. 


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Image © Nick Wyke 2020

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